
Shadows to hint at scrollable content.


A long example line that overflows the container element, since white-space nowrap is applied. A native-like scrollbar is added through ScrollArea. It works both vertically and horizontally.

import { ScrollShadow } from "@styple/design-system";
<ScrollShadow direction="horizontal" withScrollArea>
<Container css={{ maxWidth: "$4xl", height: "$lg", whiteSpace: "nowrap" }}>
<Text>A long example line that overflows the container element, since white-space nowrap is applied. A native-like scrollbar is added through ScrollArea. It works both vertically and horizontally.</Text>

API Reference


A custom styled component with props:

Prop Type Default Explanation

Orientation of the shadows.


Whether to render with ScrollArea or native.

If needed you can customize the shadow size and color by overriding the locally scoped tokens $$shadowSize = $sizes$md and $$shadowColor = $colors$bg100A via the css prop. Though this is not recommended.