
A caption or title for a section.


styple lorem ipsum

styple lorem ipsum

styple lorem ipsum

import { Heading } from "@styple/design-system";
<Flex css={{ flexDirection: "column", }} >
<Heading css={{ fontWeight: "$black", color: "$text100", }} >styple lorem ipsum</Heading>
<Heading as="h2" css={{ fontWeight: "$black", color: "$text200", }} >styple lorem ipsum</Heading>
<Heading as="h3" css={{ fontWeight: "$black", color: "$text300", }} >styple lorem ipsum</Heading>

API Reference


A styled component with Text's styles and variants. However, it defaults to color="heading" and size is chosen depending on heading tag unless overridden. Other props:

Prop Type Default Explanation

Choose heading tag to display. Depending on tag different size variants are set.