
Navigation item typically used along a Navbar.


import { NavItem } from "@styple/design-system";
<Flex css={{ flexDirection: "column", gap: "$md", alignItems: "center", }} >
<Flex css={{ gap: "$md", justifyContent: "center", }} >
<NavLinkItem ghost href="/docs/components/navitem">Here (color, default)</NavLinkItem>
<NavLinkItem ghost href="/docs/components/button">Button</NavLinkItem>
<NavLinkItem ghost href="">Ext. Link</NavLinkItem>
<Flex css={{ gap: "$md", justifyContent: "center", }} >
<NavLinkItem active="bold" ghost href="/docs/components/navitem">Here (bold)</NavLinkItem>
<NavLinkItem active="bold" ghost href="/docs/components/button">Button</NavLinkItem>
<NavLinkItem active="bold" ghost href="">Ext. Link</NavLinkItem>
<Flex css={{ gap: "$md", justifyContent: "center", }} >
<NavLinkItem active="both" ghost href="/docs/components/navitem">Here (both)</NavLinkItem>
<NavLinkItem active="both" ghost href="/docs/components/button">Button</NavLinkItem>
<NavLinkItem active="both" ghost href="">Ext. Link</NavLinkItem>

When using something like Next.js you might want to make a wrapper for this component, which can be done like so:

import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import NextLink from "next/link";
import { NavItem } from "../packages/design-system";
import React from "react";
import { UrlObject } from "url";
type NavItemProps = React.ComponentProps<typeof NavItem>;
type NavLinkItemProps = Omit<NavItemProps, "href"> & {
href: string | UrlObject;
children: React.ReactNode;
export const NavLinkItem = React.forwardRef<
React.ElementRef<typeof NavItem>,
>(({ href, children, ...props }, forwardedRef) => {
const { asPath } = useRouter();
const isActive = asPath.split("#")[0] === href;
return (
<NextLink href={href} passHref>
<NavItem className={isActive ? "active" : ""} ref={forwardedRef} {...props} >
NavLinkItem.displayName = "NavLinkItem";

API Reference

A styled component with the same variants as Button with the addition of:

Prop Type Default Explanation

Active variant.