
Navigation bar with items to navigate an application.


Basic navbar

Fullpage navbar

import { Navbar } from "@styple/design-system";
// Simplified code, see DemoNavbars for full source.
// Resize your screen to see responsive-ness.
<Flex css={{ width: "100%", gap: "$md", flexDirection: "column", }} >
<Container css={{ bg: "$bg300" }}>
<Navbar css={{ display: "flex", alignItems: "center", justifyContent: "space-between", p: "$md", height: "$xl", }} brand={<Text>Basic navbar</Text>} content={/* Regular content as JSX */} mobileContent={/* Mobile content as JSX */} />
<Container css={{ bg: "$bg300" }}>
<Navbar css={{ display: "flex", alignItems: "center", justifyContent: "space-between", p: "$md", height: "$xl", }} brand={<Text>Fullpage navbar</Text>} content={/* Regular content as JSX */} mobileContent={/* Mobile content as JSX. Uses a CollapsibleTrigger for the closing anim. */} />

API Reference

A custom styled component, using Collapsible internally. With props:

Prop Type Default Explanation

Display your brand in the navbar.


The regular content of the navbar.


The content to display instead on mobile.


Breakpoint to display regular content at.


Controlled open. Must use onOpenChange with it.

onOpenChange?(boolean) => void-

Function called when open changes.